Downloading your database

When it comes to files uploaded by users, dbBee has pretty unique approach – it uses uploaded file as is (unmodified in any way), without importing it in some large database and without changing the structure of original Excel workbook (spreadsheet) or Access database on its own.

That means that once user collects data from web site visitors, he does not need to perform any kind of export/import operation, nor convert data from one format to the other. Downloading the database from dbBee is as simple as downloading an attachment from your web mail (if not simpler).

To download your database (either Excel workbook/spreadsheet or Access database) open the "Manage databases” page from your dashboard by clicking the link shown on image below:

Manage databases on Dashboard

Once on the page, use dropdown box shown in following picture to select the database you want to download:

Select the database you want to download

Select the database from the list,

Select the database from the list

click the "Download” button,

Click the 'Download” button

select "Save file” option,

Select 'Save file” option

and click OK.

And that’s it, your file will be downloaded on your local computer.