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Premium Support
Upon popular demand we have launched a new service "Premium support" to help our users build their solutions based on dbBee apps.
Frequently asked questions
Some of the questions you might have are already answered so we invite you to read our Frequently Asked Questions section.
“How to” videos
Can you delete some of my projects? I did not realize I was creating more than one.
What is the project?
What happens when I exceed my monthly bandwidth quota
How do I rename my project?
Can I make a copy of my project?
I created an admin project and and used wizard created UID field, but later I added some data manually? How can I add proper values to UID field?
Why dbBee does not always sort my report when I click the column header (some columns work, and some don't)?
What is the difference between the idbbee and edbbee plugins?
I am planning to upgrade my plan to Professional but I have a question - can you indicate any published websites using DBBEE so I can have a better idea of the resources included?
Will dbBee show calculated fields?
Can I make charts using dbBee?
How to properly format Excel sheet?
Will my charts be compromised if I use Excel file with charts and multiple related sheets?
Can I have more than one Sheet in my Excel workbook?
Hello, can you tell me if i can upload a calculator created with excel and format it here on dbBee?
Does your service make use of the Access 2013 accdb databases?
What is included in a free plan?
Is the free plan really free?
Would you explain what bandwidth means?
How can I test all the features of dbBee before I upgrade to paid plan?
Is there an "expiration date" on my account, as far as when you will remove my projects?
Auto-Renewal option
Can I renew my expired subscription?
What will be my new subscription expiration date if I renew manually?
What happens when my subscription expires or if I unsubscribe?
Can I select/unselect all fields?
What is CD wizard used for?
What is QBD wizard used for?
What is QB wizard used for?
I created a form to add data to my database and saved them. No unique identifier was created so I cannot edit the fields.
How do I change the number of records that is displayed on one page?
Why do I get error 'External table is not in the expected format' when I open my database
If I were to upgrade, can I "redesign" the individual report pages so it's not just lines of content (could I move photos around or add a logo from the database at the top of the page, etc.)
My project data will be updated monthly. Do I have to rebuild my project(s) every time my data change?
I'm starting a new (search form) project but there is no option to name it or select an excel file
I have a field with link but dbBee shows it as a text. How can I make it a clickable link?
What is Admin wizard used for?
How can I download my database?
Will you ever offer connection to MySQL database?
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